But­ton Padding

Powerful ele­ment but­ton can be cal­led any­whe­re with
mul­ti­ple choices of color, size and much more

But­ton Radi­us Sizes

The angles of the bor­ders can be cur­ved to a dif­fe­rent 
radi­us for each bor­der alo­ne or tog­e­ther as one.

But­ton Bor­der Type

Varie­ty of bor­der types can be appli­ed for each but­ton
dif­fer­ent­ly, also the size can be chan­ged for each corner.

But­ton Bor­der Width

The bor­der width can be easi­ly enhan­ced for each
cor­ner dif­fer­ent­ly, or you can link them all together.

But­ton Left Icon

You can insert any icon from the font awe­so­me
libra­ry right befo­re the but­ton text or after it.

But­ton Right Icon

The bor­der width can be easi­ly enhan­ced for each
cor­ner dif­fer­ent­ly, or you can link them all together.

But­ton Type

Dif­fe­rent types can be sel­ec­ted for the but­ton, when you
sel­ect over a type of but­ton new skin will be attached.

But­ton Color

The colors from the default are not the only that you can
app­ly to a but­ton, free­ly to sel­ect any color from color picker.

But­ton Hover Color

The same opti­ons are atta­ched for the but­ton hover,
free­ly to sel­ect any color from color picker.

But­ton Hover Animation

More than 30 hover ani­ma­ti­ons can be cho­sen,
for the ani­ma­ti­on of the but­ton on mouseover.

But­ton Typography

Chan­ge the font fami­ly from more than 600 goog­le fonts, or other 
font pro­per­ties like let­ter spa­cing, line-height and much more.

But­ton Box Shadow

The box shadow can be com­bi­ned with all the
per­spec­ti­ve pro­per­ties like blur, spread and lines.